Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Pat Buchanan = Racist Gasbag; Rachel Maddow = Made of Win

In case you hadn't heard this, perennial bigot and Pat Buchanan, who is inexplicably still employed by MSNBC, went on the Rachel Maddow. Buchanan was arguing that Sotomayor did not deserve to be on the supreme court because she hadn't written any law review papers "that I [Buchanan] have read," and because the seat rightly belonged to a white man, because...
"...White men were one hundred percent of the people who wrote the constitution, one hundred percent of the people who signed the declaration of independence, 100% of the people who died at Gettysburg and Vicksburg, probably close to 100% of the people who died at Normandy. This is a country built by white folks, basically..."
Well, Maddow has responded and issued a correction to Buchanans racist falsehoods...


FilthyGrandeur said...

i love how she thoroughly rips him a new one...awesome woman!

Anonymous said...

She is awesome. Can she be made of more than the ordinary amount of win?