Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Creation Museum. now in YOUR museum...

[via the Friendly Atheist]


Judy said...

I'm going to be sick. That's about all to this comment.

Elaine said...

Christian says, at least they're teaching them to ask, "How do you know!?" And he says the most devastating thing to these kids will be the day they get into a debate, ask the person that question, and ...

they get a real answer

huh? All that stuff about "just because it says it in the bible," that's not the only real answer out there?

Patrick said...

Yeah, but most of these kids have never been taught to think of themselves, so they won't know how to process the real answer.

Still, hopefully some of them will be curious enough to learn how to think for themselves.

This guy certainly isn't helping.

Ste said...

good god, give me a break. these are kids, for christ's sake. good luck to those pastors on trying to explain how using the scientific method to prove things is a "faith-based" operation.